


What is the detail of the modules?

Cluster One

  • A1: From Financial Planning to Sustainable Wealth Management through ESG Integration
    • A1.1 Purpose and understanding ESG
    • A1.2 ESG integration in financial planning and wealth management
    • A1.3 ESG integration in investments
  • ​M1: From CSR to ESG: A Journey to Achieve Sustainability
    • M.1.1 Linkage of CSR and ESG
    • M1.2 Relating Entrepreneurship and Leadership to Business Sustainability
    • M1.3 Understanding ESG Integration and Asian Perspective
  • ​M2: Green Finance and ESG​
    • M2.1 Introduction of Green Finance
    • M2.2 Understand Green Bond and Its Development
    • M2.3 Linkage between Green Bonds and ESG
  • ​M3: Integrate ESG in Investing
    • M3.1 ESG Involvement
    • M3.2 Framework and Techniques for ESG Integration
    • M3.3 Key Drivers, Barriers, and Milestones of ESG Integration
  • A2: Capstone Seminar in Sustainable Wealth Management
    • A2.1 Advanced Topics of ESG Integration
    • A2.2 Dialogue with Industry Practitioners on ESG Integration (Including Q&A)

Cluster Two

  • ​M4: ESG Integration and SRIs​
    • M4.1 What is Triple Bottom Line?
    • M4.2 What is Responsible Investment?
    • M4.3 What is Socially Responsible Investment?
    • M4.4 What is Sustainable and Responsible Investment?
    • M4.5 What is TCFD?
    • M4.6 What is SFDR?
  • ​M5: Market Drives for ESG Integration
    • M5.1 Global Challenges: World Economic Forum
    • M5.2 Global Challenges: UN SDGs
    • M5.3 Global Challenges: Public Perception
    • M5.4 Global Challenges: Investor Demand & Initiatives
    • M5.5 Global Challenges: Data Availability
    • M5.6 Global Challenges: Regulatory Framework
  • ​M6: UN Principles for Responsible Investment and Green Finance ​Guidelines from SFC
    • M6.1 What are the Principles for Responsible Investment and Global Milestones for ESG Development?
    • M6.2 A Blueprint for Responsible Investment and the role of asset owners
    • M6.3 How would ESG issues affect investment performance across companies, sectors, regions and asset classes?
    • M6.4 Hong Kong: Strategic Framework for Green Finance and Cross-Agency Steering Group
    • M6.5 International: Sustainability Task Force of IOSCO
    • M6.6 SFC Initiatives
  • A3: Common ESG/ Responsible Investment Strategies
    • A3.1 Understanding SRI/ESG Strategies in Europe
    • A3.2 The Essence of Best-in-Class Investing
    • A3.3 Diving into Engagement & Voting Investing
    • A3.4 Unveiling Exclusions Investing
    • A3.5 Demystifying Impact Investing
    • A3.6 Navigating Norms-based Screening Investing
    • A3.7 Exploring Sustainability Themed Investing
    • A3.8 The Spectrum of ESG Investment Strategies
  • A4: Workshop: ESG Fund Classification Preparatory Session for SFC Authorized Funds
    • A4.1 Judging the validity of the claimed ESG investment strategies by looking at the extent of ESG integration across all parts of the investment process
    • A4.2 Whether SFDR Article 8 and 9 funds are ESG funds in Hong Kong?
    • A4.3 What are the criteria for considering whether a company/investment is related to that ESG theme?
    • A4.4 What is the expected or minimum proportion of fund assets to be invested in those underlying investments?
    • A4.5 How would the ESG assessment outcome affect the stock selection decision?
  • A5: 2 hours presentation ( Assesement)


What is the mechanism of the assessment?


Each participant is allowed for a maximum of three attempts. If participants don't pass the assessment in the first time, they can get two free chances to retake it. They may, however, request to pay for one additional attempt for the final evaluation if they are unable to pass after three trials. The participant will not be able to get the Certificate if they are unable to pass this final evaluation.



Where is the venue of the lecture?

All face-to-face lectures will be held in IFPHK Office located at 13/F, Causeway Bay Plaza 2, 463 - 483 Lockhart Road, Hong Kong. Any change of venue will be notified in advance.


How should I apply the reimbursement from Pilot Green and Sustainable Finance Capacity Building Support Scheme?


You should submit one application for each successfully completed Eligible Program only. To initiate an application, you shall create a personal account. Then submit a completed Application Form for Reimbursement of Eligible Programmes, together with all the required supporting documents via your personal account. We suggest you may visit www.greentalent.org.hk/Individuals/ReimbursementProcedures for application and check out more detail.



What is the e-learning platform?

Our e-learning platform is called FPLearning (http://app.ifphk.org/eLearning/en_elearning_index.aspx). We will provide an account to all participants before the program starts.



What other else I need to know?

The Program fee is inclusive of study materials (all English in materials) and a digital certificate. Cantonese serves as the medium of instruction for the face-to-face lecture while e-learning sections will have all English speaking for Cluster 1 and Cantonese speaking for Cluster 2.

Stay Tuned Lettering

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